Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie - Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie

Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

a research centre of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature


<text> Contains a single letter, whether unitary or composite. Specifically for the DALF DTD, it has been extended with an element to indicate envelopes.
No other than global attributes and those inherited from declaring and inter

This element is taken over literally from the TEI scheme (see http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-TEXT.html), and extended with the <envelope> DALF element.

Class declaring[TEI]; inter
Parents TEI.2 ab add camera caption cell corr country damage docEdition emph figDesc figure foreign group head hi imprimatur item l lem meeting note p print ps q quote rdg ref region rendition seg sic sound stage supplied tagUsage tech title titlePart unclear view wit witDetail witness xref
Children add addSpan alt altGrp anchor back body cb deco delSpan envelope figure front fw gap group index interp interpGrp join joinGrp layerEnd layerStart lb link linkGrp milestone note paraph pb print seg timeline
<!ELEMENT text %om.RR;
          ((envelope | %m.Incl;)*, 
          (front, (envelope | %m.Incl;)*)?, 
          (body | group), (envelope | %m.Incl;)*, 
          (back, (envelope | %m.Incl;)*)?)> 
<!ATTLIST text
See further 5.1. The envelope: <envelope>

Up: Appendix A Reference documentation for DALF elements and classes