Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie - Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie

Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

a research centre of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature


<envelope> Contains the information on the envelope.
In addition to global attributes:
type Describes the type of envelope.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any convenient typology can be used. Sensible values may be ‘postcard’, ‘window_envelope’, ‘C5’, ‘160x150’ etc.
Default: #IMPLIED
<envelope type="220x110">
   <envPart side="front">
      <address type="receiver">
         <addrLine>Stijn Streuvels</addrLine>
         <date value="1924-10-24">24.10.'24</date>
         <p>Dank u, postbode!</p>
   <envPart side="back">
      <address type="sender">
         <addrLine>Lannoo uitgeverij</addrLine>
         <addrLine>Meulebeekschesteenweg 641</addrLine>
   <envelope type="postcard">
      <note>this envelope contains no data</note>

The envelope can be functionally defined as ‘the part/room/space reserved for postal information’. This definition includes the postal information, as well as all other possible contents of that functional part of the letter.

When an <envelope> element is present in the text, this should be matched by a envOcc / element in the header.

Content Must contain at least one of the child elements.
Parents envelope text
Children envPart envelope note
<!ELEMENT envelope %om.RR;
          (envPart | envelope | note)+>
<!ATTLIST envelope
          type CDATA #IMPLIED>
See further 5.1. The envelope: <envelope>

Up: Appendix A Reference documentation for DALF elements and classes