Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie - Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie

Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

a research centre of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature


global Defines a set of attributes common to all elements in the DALF encoding scheme.
<!ENTITY % a.global '
          id ID #IMPLIED
          n CDATA #IMPLIED
          lang IDREF %INHERITED;
          rend CDATA #IMPLIED'>
From the core TEI tagset:
id Provides a unique identifier for the element bearing the ID value.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any valid name. Values must be unique in the document and start with a letter or the underscore character ("_"), and contain no characters other than letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, full stops, and certain combining and extension characters.
Default: #IMPLIED
n Gives a number (or other label) for an element, which is not necessarily unique within the document.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string of characters; often, but not necessarily, numeric.
Default: #IMPLIED
lang Indicates the language of the element content, usually using a two- or three-letter code from ISO 639.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: Must be an identifier of a <language> element supplied in the header (see http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-LANGUAGE.html).
Default: %INHERITED;

If no value is specified for lang, the lang value for the immediately enclosing element is inherited; for this reason, a value should always be specified on the outermost element(<TEI.2>).

rend Indicates how the element in question was rendered or presented in the source text.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: The encoder can develop any convenient typology for the indication of presentational aspects.
Default: #IMPLIED
From the additional tag set for linking and segmentation:
corresp Points to elements that correspond to the current element in some way.
Datatype: IDREFS
Values: Must be a space-separated list of one or more valid identifiers of other elements in the document.
Default: #IMPLIED
synch Points to elements that are synchronous with the current element.
Datatype: IDREFS
Values: Must be a space-separated list of one or more valid identifiers of other elements in the document.
Default: #IMPLIED
sameAs Points to an element that is the same as the current element.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: Must be a valid identifier of another element in the document.
Default: #IMPLIED
copyOf Points to an element of which the current element is a copy.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: Must be a valid identifier of another element in the document.
Default: #IMPLIED
next Points to the next element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: Must be a valid identifier of another element in the document.
Default: #IMPLIED
prev Points to the previous element of a virtual aggregate of which the current element is part.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: Must be a valid identifier of another element in the document.
Default: #IMPLIED
exclude Points to elements that are in exclusive alternation with the current element.
Datatype: IDREFS
Values: Must be a space-separated list of one or more valid identifiers of other elements in the document.
Default: #IMPLIED
select Selects one or more alternants; if one alternant is selected, the ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as resolved. If more than one alternant is selected, the degree of ambiguity or uncertainty is marked as reduced by the number of alternants not selected.
Datatype: IDREFS
Values: Must be a space-separated list of one or more valid identifiers of other elements in the document.
Default: #IMPLIED
from the additional tag set for simple analysis:
ana Indicates one or more elements containing interpretations of the element on which the ana attribute appears.
Datatype: IDREFS
Values: Must be a space-separated list of one or more valid identifiers of other elements in the document.
Default: #IMPLIED
See further 3.3. Global attributes

Up: Appendix A Reference documentation for DALF elements and classes