Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie - Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie

Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

a research centre of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature


<letDesc> Groups together all letter-specific metadata for a DALF document.
In addition to global attributes:
status Indicates the compositional status of a letter.
Datatype: (uni | compo | frag | def | unk)
Legal values are:
uni the letter described is a complete entity which exists as a unitary unit
compo the letter described is a complete entity comprising multiple units of different origin
frag the letter described is a fragmentary entity, of which the majority is missing
def the letter described is a defective unit, of which the majority is preserved
unk no claim can be made regarding the compositional status of a letter
Default: #IMPLIED
      <collection>S 154/1235</collection>
      <author>Stijn Streuvels</author>
         <p>single page with pre-printed letterhead, writing on both sides</p>
            <height units="mm">214</height>
            <width units="mm">276</width>
   <envOcc occ="yes" />
      <p>Joris Lannoo asks Streuvels what to do ...</p>

The <letDesc> element is the distinguishing feature of the DALF header, declared as an expansion of the standard TEI <sourceDesc> element.

Content Must contain exactly one of each of the mandatory child elements. The optional ones may occur only once and must occur in the order specified. <letPart> is the only optional element that may occur more than once. The note(s) may only be used to provide additional information after all other elements.
Parents sourceDesc
Children additional envOcc history letContents letHeading letIdentifier letPart note physDesc
<!ELEMENT letDesc %om.RR; 
          (letIdentifier, letHeading, physDesc, envOcc, letContents?, history?,
          additional?, letPart*, note*)>
<!ATTLIST letDesc
          status (uni | compo | frag | def | unk) #IMPLIED>
See further 4. The DALF header

Up: Appendix A Reference documentation for DALF elements and classes