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Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie |
Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies |
a research centre of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature |
4. The DALF header |
Up: Contents Previous: 3. Overview of DALF document structure Next: 5. Letter-specific textual features
3. Overview of DALF document structure 4.1. The letter identifier: <letIdentifier> 4.2. The letter heading: <letHeading> 4.3. The physical description: <physDesc> 4.4. Presence of an envelope: <envOcc /> 4.5. The contents of the letter: <letContents> 4.6. The history of the letter: <history> 4.7. Additional information: <additional> 4.8. Distinct letter parts: <letPart> 5. Letter-specific textual features 6. Correlations of logical and physical structures 7. Modifications to TEI element classes Appendix A Reference documentation for DALF elements and classes |
The DALF textbase may develop to a collection of thousands of electronic texts. Although these textual materials will all be letters and thus share a lot of characteristics, the nature of the letter genre (letters are highly authorial ego-documents) implies they may differ substantially. The best way to guarantee consistency and thus usability of the texts within the whole, is the encoding of a rich amount of abstracted meta-information for each letter. The TEI scheme provides useful elements for such abstractions in the header part of the document. However, a textbase of correspondence material calls for more specific provisions to capture the indication of letter-specific and archival metadata, than those provided in the TEI scheme. The DALF DTD therefore specifies a number of extensions to the TEI header. Many of those extensions are inspired by the header elements of the DTD developed for the Master project (Manuscript Access through Standards for Electronic Records), which was "intended primarily for the detailed cataloguing of medieval and early modern manuscript materials in the Western European tradition". The envisioned outline of DALF differs, however, in two major aspects from the goals of the Master project:
In view of these differences, the DALF header is conceived as a standard TEI header with extension elements that are organised similarly to the Master header, but have been reformulated to express the particular nature of an archive of letters. The following principles have been adhered to in the design of the DALF header:
The main feature of the DALF header[note2] is the <letDesc> element that is added to the standard TEI <sourceDesc> element. It is a mandatory element that groups together all letter-specific metadata for a DALF document.
Apart from the global TEI attributes (described in 3.3. Global attributes), it can carry one special attribute:
The letter description consists of the following elements:
Of these, <letIdentifier>, <letHeading>, <physDesc> and <envOcc /> are mandatory elements that must occur exactly once. The elements <letContents>, <history> and <additional> are optional and may occur only once. <letPart> is an optional element that may occur more than once. The <note> element is optional and may only occur after all other header elements. Another restriction is imposed on the order of the elements: they must appear in the order specified. This means that a DALF header always consists of a <letIdentifier>, followed by a <letHeading>, <physDesc> and a <envOcc />, optionally followed by at most one <letContents>, <history>, <additional>, and zero or more <letPart> or <note> elements in that order. Here is an illustration of the structure of a minimal DALF header: <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt>...</titleStmt> <publicationStmt>...</publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <letDesc> <letIdentifier>...</letIdentifier> <letHeading>...</letHeading> <physDesc>...</physDesc> <envOcc occ="..." /> ... </letDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> </teiHeader> The following lines demonstrate how the file DALFExtns.dtd redefines the <sourceDesc> element to include <letDesc>, and how the latter element itself is defined: <!ELEMENT sourceDesc %om.RR; (biblStruct?, letDesc, note*)> <!ATTLIST sourceDesc %a.global; %a.declarable;> <!ELEMENT letDesc %om.RR; (letIdentifier, letHeading, physDesc, envOcc, letContents?, history?, additional?, letPart*, note*)> <!ATTLIST letDesc %a.global; status (uni | compo | frag | def | unk) #IMPLIED> In what follows, all of these elements will be explained in full detail. The sections are organised in a uniform way: first, their purpose is explained and a short description of their attributes and contents is given, as well as their formal declaration in the DALF DTD. When applicable, the child elements are explained in full detail in different subsections, following the same structure. 4.1. The letter identifier: <letIdentifier>Most of the letters that will constitute the DALF database will be unpublished primary manuscripts that are stored in private or public collections, conserved at particular places. Therefore, there is need for a more detailed level of cataloguing description than for published source materials, providing researchers with a uniform and accurate system of archival reference for each letter. Therefore, the <letIdentifier> element is specified as the first mandatory element that appears in the <letDesc> element. Here, the encoder must supply information regarding the identification of the document within its holding institution. This identification starts with a group of elements describing the hierarchical location path, which must minimally contain an indication of the country, settlement of the institution and the name of the repository where the document is located. When appropriate, intervening levels in the location path can be identified for the region where the repository is located, and the institution where the repository resides. A second group of elements of the letter identifier describe the location of the document within its holding institution. The collection to which the document belongs, as well as the identification that is given to the document within its repository are required. When the document is known under an alternative name, this can also be given. The <letIdentifier> has no other attributes than the global ones (see 3.3. Global attributes). The identification for a DALF letter is captured in following elements (in the order specified):
Of these, <country>, <settlement>, <repository>, <collection> and <idno> are mandatory and must occur exactly once. Optional elements that may only occur once are <region> and <institution>. The other elements, <altName> and <note> are optional and may occur more than once. The following example illustrates the minimal letter identifier for a DALF letter that is located at the AMVC in Antwerp, Belgium: <letIdentifier> <country>Belgium</country> <settlement>Antwerp</settlement> <repository>AMVC</repository> <collection>S 935/B2</collection> <idno>171373/2882</idno> </letIdentifier> The <letIdentifier> element is declared in the file DALFExtns.dtd as follows: <!ELEMENT letIdentifier %om.RR; (country, region?, settlement, institution?, repository, collection, idno, altName*, note*)> <!ATTLIST letIdentifier %a.global;> 4.1.1. The macro-location path of a letter: <country>, <region>, <settlement>, <institution> and <repository>These elements give a top-down description of the location path of a letter, from the country where the holding institution is located to the most specific unit within that institution that can be distinguished for the place where the letter is located. The elements <country>, <region> and <settlement> are all standard TEI elements carrying the attributes of the names and typed attribute classes. The elements <institution> and <repository> are adapted from the Master encoding scheme; since they have similar semantics, they have been uniformed with the TEI elements. This means that they all may contain elements of the phrase.seq element class. The elements defined by that class are too numerous to list here; they are listed exhaustively at http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-PHRSEQ.html. All elements expressing the macro-location path of a letter may contain the following attributes, apart from the global ones (defined in 3.3. Global attributes):
The following example illustrates a more extensive location path for the letter of the previous example, that is located in the AMVC in Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium. Here, the region where the settlement is located is given, the institution to which the repository belongs is identified and typed as a municipal department, and the repository is provided with a database record key and a regularised form of its name: <country>Belgium</country> <region>Flanders</region> <settlement>Antwerp</settlement> <institution type="municip_department">Dept. of Culture, Antwerp</institution> <repository key="loc01_AMVC" reg="AMVC">AMVC</repository> The unique DALF elements <institution> and <repository> are declared as follows in the file DALFExtns.dtd: <!ELEMENT institution %om.RR; (%phrase.seq;)> <!ATTLIST institution %a.global; %a.names; %a.typed;> <!ELEMENT repository %om.RR; (%phrase.seq;)> <!ATTLIST repository %a.global; %a.names; %a.typed;> 4.1.2. The micro-location path of a letter: <collection>, <idno> and <altName>The identification of a letter continues to the micro-level: the identification of the letter within its repository. The collection to which the letter belongs must be identified in the <collection> element. The identification code that is used within the repository to indicate the letter must be specified in the <idno> element. If a letter may be known under another name or identification code, this can be recorded in <altName>. The <collection> and <altName> elements are closely related to the TEI name class elements. Therefore, they too can contain the elements of the phrase.seq class (see http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-PHRSEQ.html). Their attributes, apart from the global ones (see 3.3. Global attributes), are:
The <idno> element, which is a standard TEI element (see http://www.tei-c.org./P4X/ref-IDNO.html), can contain an identification code in plain PCDATA format, and has one attribute apart from the global ones (see 3.3. Global attributes):
The following example shows a full micro-identification in the <letIdentifier> part of a DALF letter that is member of the Streuvels-Lannoo collection identified by the code S 935/62295, in which it carries the ID 71373/2882, and has a former identification code number and an alternative nickname: <collection>S 935/62295</collection> <idno>71373/2882</idno> <altName type="former_id">SL410811/b</altName> <altName type="nickname">the birthday letter</altName></repository> The unique DALF elements <collection> and <altName> are declared as follows in the file DALFExtns.dtd: <!ELEMENT collection %om.RR; (%phrase.seq;)> <!ATTLIST collection %a.global; %a.names; %a.typed;> <!ELEMENT altName %om.RR; (%phrase.seq;)> <!ATTLIST altName %a.global; %a.names; %a.typed;> 4.2. The letter heading: <letHeading>One of the essential characteristics of letters is their close relationship with the particular communicative context in which they are created. Of course, this also holds for published books, that are written by a certain author and at a certain place and time. Yet, as bibliographic references to books show, those particular communicative circumstances of the writing act are deemed less important than the circumstances of publication. In contrast, when referring to letters as unambiguously as possible, one has to include as much of the communicative particularities as possible. Those are so important that they may be considered an essential part of the bibliographical identification of a letter. Therefore, the <letHeading> element is taken as the second mandatory element in the DALF header. The letter heading starts with an identification of the participants in the communication. Those consist of the author(s) and addressee(s) of a letter, and when applicable other persons with any responsibility for some aspects of the contents. The second part of the letter heading covers the communicative situation, in the form of the place and time when the letter was written. The letter heading has only the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes, and contains the following elements in the order specified:
The elements <author> and <addressee> are mandatory and must occur at least once. The <respStmt> element is optional and may as well occur more than once. Both <dateLet> and <placeLet> are mandatory, and must occur exactly once. The following example shows a minimal letter identifier for a letter written by Streuvels to De Meyer in Ingooigem on 13 January 1941: <letHeading> <author>Stijn Streuvels</author> <addressee>Maurice De Meyer</addressee> <placeLet>Ingooigem</placeLet> <dateLet>1945-01-13</dateLet> </letHeading> The <letHeading> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file in the following way: <!ELEMENT letHeading %om.RR; (author+, addressee+, respStmt*, placeLet, dateLet, note*)> <!ATTLIST letHeading %a.global;> 4.2.1. The communicative participants: <author>, <addressee> and <respStmt>The participants in the communicative act of letter writing are the writer(s) and reader(s) involved. Their communicative roles are reflected in the names of the elements <author> and <addressee>, that the encoder must use to record the author, respectively addressee of the letter. Most often, they are stated explicitly in the letter; otherwise the encoder can use other sources of evidence that can provide a plausible indication of their identities. When a letter is written by several authors, and their contributions are not encoded as separate <letPart>s in the header (see 4.8. Distinct letter parts: <letPart>), these can be identified in several <author> elements. Also, when a letter has been written to more than one addressee, several <addressee> elements can be used to enumerate all of them. Optionally, people other than the author that are responsible for some aspects of the contents can be identified in zero or more <respStmt> elements. Note that the identification of multiple authors for a letter may arouse questions regarding the compositional structure of the letter. The encoder must decide whether the letter should be considered a whole, with distinct authors identified internally in several <author> elements within <letHeading>; or should be considered to have distinct parts, with their characteristics encoded in separate <letPart> elements within <letDesc> (see 4.8. Distinct letter parts: <letPart>). The <author> and <addressee> elements are closely related to the TEI name class elements. Therefore, they can contain the elements of the phrase.seq class (see http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-PHRSEQ.html), and the attributes from the names and typed attribute classes. Most often, the author and addressee are explicitly identified in a letter. In other cases, the encoder must try to identify them from other pieces of evidence, like the envelope or for example other letters in the correspondence chain. Therefore, the <author> and <addressee> elements have two additional attributes that can record the status of the evidence on which the identification was based. Together with the names and typed class attributes, these elements can have following attributes (besides the global ones defined in 3.3. Global attributes):
The <respStmt> element can be used to describe any person other than the author proper, that has contributed something to the contents of the letter, be it conceptually or physically. It must be stressed that the tracing of such contributions (non-material ones in particular) is not the most straightforward task, and should be done with meticulous care (as is the case with all aspects of the electronic edition of DALF letters, of course). It may not always be easy to distinguish between elements that are present on the document but are totally unrelated/unimportant to its contents and thus can hardly be considered as contributions, or elements that are so important they can be considered as much more than just a contribution and thus be encoded in a different way. As a rule, the encoder can safely use the <respStmt> element within <letHeading> to identify a person who typed in the letter, or provided some ideas for the contents (supposed this can be traced at all). Yet, the encoder should keep a consistent practice concerning the use of the <respStmt> for the identification of persons who made some additions to the letter. For plain additions, their author can also be identified within the scribe attribute of the <hand> element inside the <profileDesc> element of the heading (see http://www.tei-c.org./P4X/ref-HAND.html). For very lengthy and substantial contributions the encoder should consider whether their authors shouldn't better be encoded as separate authors, or even in separate <letPart> elements (see 4.8. Distinct letter parts: <letPart>). Perhaps the TEI definition of <respStmt> (see http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-RESP.html) should give a good indication regarding its use: ‘(statement of responsibility) supplies a statement of responsibility for someone responsible for the intellectual content of a text, edition, recording, or series, where the specialized elements for authors, editors, etc. do not suffice or do not apply’ [italics added]. The attributes of the <respStmt> element are those defined as the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes). It can contain a standard TEI <resp> element (see http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-ROLE.html), naming the nature of the responsibility of the person identified in a standard TEI <name> element (see http://www.tei-c.org./P4X/ref-NAME.html), and can furthermore contain the elements of the Incl element class (see Incl). The following example illustrates the extensive identification of the communicative participants within the <letHeading> part of a DALF letter written by Streuvels to De Meyer. Here, it could be stated that Streuvels dictated the letter to his wife, who typed it in. Thus, Streuvels can be considered the intellectual author of the letter, while his wife can be attributed responsibility as scribe. Also, an idea in the letter could be attributed by the encoder to Joris Lannoo. As indicated in the attributes, both sender and addressee are identified from evidence inside the letter: <author attested="yes">Stijn Streuvels</author> <addressee attested="yes">Maurice De Meyer</addressee> <respStmt> <resp>scribe</resp> <name>Alida Staelens</name> </respStmt> <respStmt> <resp>idea for the suggestion to use an instalment system of publication</resp> <name>Joris Lannoo</name> </respStmt> The unique DALF elements <author> and <addressee> are declared as follows in the file DALFExtns.dtd: <!ELEMENT author %om.RR; (%phrase.seq;)> <!ATTLIST author %a.global; %a.names; attested (yes | added | no | unk) #IMPLIED accepted (yes | no | unk) #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT addressee %om.RR; (%phrase.seq;)> <!ATTLIST addressee %a.global; %a.names; attested (yes | added | no | unk) #IMPLIED accepted (yes | no | unk) #IMPLIED> 4.2.2. The place and time of writing: <placeLet> and <dateLet>The place and time of writing can be identified respectively with <placeLet> and <dateLet>. As can be assumed that a letter is written in a short time span and at one place only, these elements can occur only once. Should the encoder wish to make some elaborations regarding this assumption for a certain letter, this can be done in the concluding <note> element of the <letHeading> element (as is the case for all DALF header elements). Often the place and time of writing are included in the salutation part of the letter; otherwise the encoder can use place and time information from the envelope or from other sources of evidence. The <placeLet> element is closely related to the TEI name class elements. Therefore, it can contain the elements of the phrase.seq class (see http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-PHRSEQ.html), and the attributes from the names and typed attribute classes. The source of evidence for the identification of the place of writing may be given in the special attested attribute. Apart from the global attributes listed in 3.3. Global attributes, <placeLet> can have following attributes:
The <dateLet> element can contain the elements of the phrase.seq class that are listed in http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-PHRSEQ.html. Apart from the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes, the special attribute attested is provided to supply the source of the identification of the place of writing:
The following example illustrates the extensive identification of the place and time of writing of a letter written by Stijn Streuvels to Maurice De Meyer in Ingooigem, on 13 January 1945. As indicated in the attributes, the place of writing is derived from evidence on the envelope, and the date of the letter is derived from external evidence. <placeLet attested="added">Ingooigem</placeLet> <dateLet attested="no">1945-01-13</dateLet> The unique DALF elements <placeLet> and <dateLet> are declared as follows in the file DALFExtns.dtd: <!ELEMENT placeLet %om.RR; (%phrase.seq;)> <!ATTLIST placeLet %a.global; %a.names; attested (yes | added | no | unk) #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT dateLet %om.RR; (%phrase.seq;)> <!ATTLIST dateLet %a.global; attested (yes | added | no | unk) #IMPLIED> 4.3. The physical description: <physDesc>The description of the physical appearance of the letter forms the third mandatory element of the <letDesc> element. As letters can be very different with regard to their physical realisation, the description of physical aspects contains a limited set of elements for features that are shared by all letters, and additionally provides the possibility to encode a rich array of specific phenomena when they occur. Required elements are a characterisation of the format of the letter, a description of the material on which the letter is written, and an indication of the physical size of the document. Additionally, general aspects of layout can be pointed out, as well as a characterisation of possible fragments of musical notation, a description of possible decorative elements or paraphernalia, and the condition of the letter as a physical object. The <physDesc> element has only global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes). It captures the physical description of a letter in following elements:
Of these elements, the required ones (<type>, <support> and <extent>) must occur exactly once. When optional elements are used, they too may occur only once (except for <note>). The following example illustrates the minimal encoding of a letter that is written on an single sheet of paper. That paper has an A4 format, and has a letterhead printed on it. <physDesc> <type>letter</type> <support> <p>single page with pre-printed letterhead, writing on one side only</p> </support> <extent> <dimensions> <height units="mm">214</height> <width units="mm">276</width> </dimensions> </extent> </physDesc> The <physDesc> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file in the following way: <!ELEMENT physDesc %om.RR; (type, support, extent, layout?, musicNotation?, decoration?, paraphernalia?, condition?, note*)> <!ATTLIST physDesc %a.global;> 4.3.1. Formal characterisation: <type>As it is imaginable that letters can be written in virtually any format, the formal characterisation of the letter can be given in a prose description. The encoder should develop a consistent typology in order to guarantee retrieval possibilities for this category. Typical values can be ‘letter’, ‘postcard’ etc. When for example for very recent authors and composers it is thought theoretically sound to include saved E-mail messages too in an electronic edition of correspondence, a format like ‘E-mail’ may be specified for <type>. The <type> element has only the global attributes (3.3. Global attributes). The following example illustrates the <type> encoding for a postcard: <type> postcard </type> The <type> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT type %om.RR; (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST type %a.global;> 4.3.2. Support material: <support>The materials that were used to write the letter on must be characterised in one or more <p> elements inside <support>. This description may cover the material of the support material (e.g. ‘paper’), the number of pages and the sides that are used. The <support> element has no other than the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes), and can contain following elements:
For a letter written on a very thin piece of paper, the following may be a legal encoding: <support> <p>very thin, semi-transparent paper</p> </support> The <support> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT support %om.RR; (p+) > <!ATTLIST support %a.global;> 4.3.3. Size: <extent>The size of a letter must be described in the <extent> element, which is a standard TEI element (see http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-EXTENT.html). This element may hold a plain prose description of the size of the letter, or elements from the element class that is defined in TEI P4 as phrase.seq (see http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-PHRSEQ.html). A common way to express the size of the document in the header, is to use the <dimensions> tag inside <extent>. That phrase-level element can provide a structured description of the height and width of the item it represents, as well as a unit of measure. The following example illustrates how the size of a letter can be described, using the <dimensions> element within <extent>: <extent> <dimensions> <height units="mm">214</height> <width units="mm">276</width> </dimensions> </extent> 4.3.4. Layout aspects: <layout>Specific layout aspects, like the use of columns and all kinds of outstanding visual features may be expressed in <p>s inside <layout>. The <layout> element has no other than the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes), and can contain following elements:
The following example illustrates how the <layout> element can be used to record that a letter has 3 columns that read from right to left: <layout> <p>written in 3 columns, starting with the rightmost and continuing to the left</p> </layout> The <layout> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT layout %om.RR; (p+) > <!ATTLIST layout %a.global;> 4.3.5. Musical notation: <musicNotation>Considering the outline of DALF as a Digital Archive of Letters in Flanders, focusing on letters written by authors and composers from the 19th and 20th century, it is very likely that fragments of musical notation can appear in letters. With the <musicNotation> element, the encoder can provide a typology of the notation employed. This can be done inside one or more paragraphs. The <musicNotation> element has no other than the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes), and can contain following elements:
For example, a letter containing 2 different instances of musical notation, consisting of 3 and 2 staves respectively, may be encoded as follows: <musicNotation> <p>theme of "Struggle for Pleasure" in 3 staves</p> <p>theme of "The Scene" in 2 staves</p> </musicNotation> The <musicNotation> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT musicNotation %om.RR; (p+) > <!ATTLIST musicNotation %a.global;> 4.3.6. Decorative elements: <decoration> and <paraphernalia>Letters can contain all sorts of ‘less-textual’ contents (so called because they have a non-textual nature, but still are part of the text). Although it's a theoretical issue whether or not to regard accompanying materials or ‘objets trouvés’ as a part of the letter, the DALF header provides the means to do so. A distinction is made between decorations, i.e. less-textual materials that can be regarded to have originated within the writing act, and paraphernalia, materials that did not originate within the writing act. Decorations can include drawings, schemes etc., whereas paraphernalia can include newspaper articles, hair curls, dried flowers etc. It has to be pointed out that the DALF scheme also provides the means to mark another category of material that has a somewhat closer formal (but not necessarily intellectual) bond with the letter, namely printed text that was already on the paper before the letter was written (e.g. form text), or that has been added afterwards (e.g. stamps). When these elements are not regarded as decorative elements that need meta-description in the header, they can be marked in the document itself with the <print> element discussed in 5.4. Pre- and post-printed material: <print>. The inclusion of specific descriptive elements for these less-textual materials in the DALF header is motivated because of the potential importance of decorations and paraphernalia for genetic studies. In view of the size and diversity of the DALF textbase, it could be very interesting to have the means to search the archive for specific instances of less-textual materials. Both the <decoration> and <paraphernalia> elements have the same structure. They can either contain a loose prose description in one or more <p>s, or a structured description per decorative item concerned. The latter is conceived as a list, consisting of a <decoList>, respectively <paraphList> element. These must contain one or more <decoItem> or <paraphItem> elements, one per decorative item in the document. Those list items must contain a description of the decorative item, in <decoDesc> or <paraphDesc>. Optionally, also text appearing within the decorative item can be recorded in <decoText> or <paraphText>. Both the description and the recording of the text must go in one or more paragraphs. The following list gives a more formal overview of the contents of the structured descriptions inside <decoration> and <paraphernalia>. Although both systems are clearly distinct, they do have a similar structure, which is the only reason why they are discussed alongside each other.
All of these elements have only the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes). The following example shows how a letter containing two drawings (one of which containing text) and a dried flower attached to it, can be encoded in the DALF header: <decoration> <decoList> <decoItem id="fig1"> <decoDesc> <p>small black/white drawing of a tree</p> </decoDesc> </decoItem> <decoItem id="fig2"> <decoDesc> <p>small color drawing of suggested page layout, containing some text</p> </decoDesc> <decoText> <p>Eerste paragraaf Hier</p> <p>voetnoten!</p> </decoText> </decoItem> </decoList> </decoration> <paraphernalia> <paraphList> <paraphItem id="obj1"> <paraphDesc> <p>dried petal of a poppy</p> </paraphDesc> </paraphItem> </paraphList> </paraphernalia> This list construction is modelled after the TEI mechanism of identifying and referring to different document hands (see http://www.tei-c.org./P4X/ref-HAND.html). This means that in the header the definitions discussed above are provided for less-textual elements in the text. When doing so, the encoder must provide each of the <decoItem> and <paraphItem> elements with a unique value for the id attribute. When those instances are encoded in the text, the specific empty DALF elements <deco /> and <paraph /> can indicate their occurrence, and refer to the description in the header. These text elements are explained in the next section (5.5. Decorative elements: <deco /> and <paraph />), but the following example illustrates how the decorations and paraphernalia that were identified in the previous example can be referred to: <text> ... <p>Een grote boom stond daar <deco decoRef="fig1" />, met aan zijn voet een mooie papaver <paraph paraphRef="obj1" />.</p> ... <p>Ik stel mij de pagina zo voor: <deco decoRef="fig2" /></p> ... </text> The <decoration> and <paraphernalia> elements and their unique DALF child elements are declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT decoration %om.RR; (decoList | p+)> <!ATTLIST decoration %a.global;> <!ELEMENT decoList %om.RR; (decoItem+)> <!ATTLIST decoList %a.global;> <!ELEMENT decoItem %om.RR; (decoDesc, decoText?)> <!ATTLIST decoItem %a.global;> <!ELEMENT decoDesc %om.RR; (p+)> <!ATTLIST decoDesc %a.global;> <!ELEMENT decoText %om.RR; (p+)> <!ATTLIST decoText %a.global;> <!ELEMENT paraphernalia %om.RR; (paraphList | p+)> <!ATTLIST paraphernalia %a.global;> <!ELEMENT paraphList %om.RR; (paraphItem+)> <!ATTLIST paraphList %a.global;> <!ELEMENT paraphItem %om.RR; (paraphDesc, paraphText?)> <!ATTLIST paraphItem %a.global;> <!ELEMENT paraphDesc %om.RR; (p+)> <!ATTLIST paraphDesc %a.global;> <!ELEMENT paraphText %om.RR; (p+)> <!ATTLIST paraphText %a.global;> 4.3.7. The physical condition: <condition>The physical condition of the letter can be encoded inside one or more <p> elements in the <condition> element. There are no other than the global attributes for this element (3.3. Global attributes).
The following example illustrates how the <condition> element can be used to record that a letter has the right corner missing, and has places on the folding lines that are torn: <condition> <p>topright corner is missing</p> <p>the folding lines have caused some tears</p> </condition> The <condition> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT condition %om.RR; (p+) > <!ATTLIST condition %a.global;> 4.4. Presence of an envelope: <envOcc />The envelope can contain valuable information for the contextualisation of a letter, or even contain text that may be closely related to the contents of the letter. However, the question whether or not to regard this text as part of the letter is a theoretical one. Some encoders may wish to exclude envelope contents completely; others may consider it relevant enough to include it as part of the letter. The DALF encoding scheme allows (and strongly suggests) to take a middle road, by providing the special <envelope> body element (see 5.1. The envelope: <envelope>) that enables the encoding of envelope content while at the same time keeping it separate from the letter proper. In order to facilitate retrieval of documents in the DALF textbase, the element <envOcc /> that explicates the presence or absence of an envelope is adopted as the fourth mandatory element of the letter description. It is an empty element that has one required attribute, occ (apart from the global attributes as defined in 3.3. Global attributes). When a letter has an envelope, this can be stated with value ‘yes’; when there is no envelope, the value ‘no’ should be used.
Note that the <envOcc /> element reflects some of the theoretical underpinnings of the <envelope> element. As will be explained later (see 5.1. The envelope: <envelope>), a functional definition of an envelope is proposed. This means that the part of a sending with addressing information is suggested to be encoded as an envelope. As the <envOcc /> element in the header reflects the occurrence of the envelope and thus of the <envelope> element in the text body, this means that for example postcards should also have the value ‘yes’ for the attribute occ. This example illustrates the encoding of a letter that has an envelope: <envOcc occ="yes" /> The <envOcc /> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT envOcc %om.RR; EMPTY> <!ATTLIST envOcc %a.global; occ (yes | no) #REQUIRED> 4.5. The contents of the letter: <letContents>The contents of the letter are of course a major source of interest for users of encoded DALF materials. In order to ensure a rich possibility of exploiting the DALF textbase, structured access to descriptive records of its cumulative contents is an interesting starting point. It can be used to implement a search mechanism that lets users do thematic queries throughout several (selections of) DALF letters, or provide the means to generate thematic editions like a regest or calendar edition. Therefore, the DALF header provides the possibility to summarise the contents of each separate letter within the <letContents> element. It is the first optional element that can appear after the four mandatory elements of <letDesc>. In the description of the intellectual contents of a letter the encoder can specify systematically what the status of the intellectual content of the letter is regarding its completeness. That can be done by means of the following special attribute (in addition to the global attributes as specified in 3.3. Global attributes):
The description of the intellectual contents of a letter must consist of one or more paragraphs. This content description can be preceded by one or more <class> elements. That element is meant for a formal characterisation of the contents, according to a certain typology. No such typology exists as yet, however; we think of a functional-communicative "genre"-indication of letters which still has to be developed. In the meantime, the <class> element is specified as optional.
As already mentioned, the <class> element is optional. Yet, when it appears, it has to occur before the first paragraph. At least one <p> element is required. The following example contains a possible description of the contents of a letter in which Stijn Streuvels proposes to his girlfriend: <letContents> <class>love letter</class> <p>Streuvels proposes to his girlfriend</p> </letContents> The <letContents> element and its unique DALF child element are declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT letContents %om.RR; (class*, p+, note*)> <!ATTLIST letContents %a.global; defective (yes|no|unk) "no"> <!ELEMENT class %om.RR; (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST class %a.global; type CDATA #IMPLIED> 4.6. The history of the letter: <history>Specific aspects of the history of a letter can be recorded in the <history> element, which is the second optional element inside <letDesc>. It is adopted quite literally from the Master encoding scheme for manuscript description records, with some adaptations to integrate it in the overall organisation of the DALF header. Although we had some reservations regarding the need for detailed historical meta-information for letters, we decided to provide this as an optional feature. The historical description may cover details of the origination of the letter, the history of the letter before its acquisition by a holding institution, and the acquisition process by its holding institution. The <history> element has no other than the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes), and contains a historical description in the following elements:
None of these elements is required as such; yet at least one of <origin>, <provenance> or <acquisition> must be chosen when the <history> element is used. When they are used, the order specified must be respected. They all have the same structure. Only the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes) are applicable, and their respective descriptions have to be included in one or more paragraphs:
Note that the <origin> element is not meant to repeat the contents of the <dateLet> element inside <letHeading>, which already records when the letter was written (see 4.2.2. The place and time of writing: <placeLet> and <dateLet>). Instead, the <origin> element should be used to record additional facts about the origination of the letter, such as statements about draft versions. As for historical facts pertaining to the period after the acquisition of a letter by the holding institution, those fall outside the scope of <provenance> and <acquisition>. Instead they may be given in <custodialHist> inside <adminInfo> (cf. supra, 4.7.1. Administrative information: <adminInfo>). The following example illustrates how an extensive historical description can be made for a letter of which a draft version was found dated 17 August 1924, and which has remained in the possession of the receiver until it was donated to the AMVC after his death, in 1937. <history> <origin> <p>draft of letter found, dated 17 August 1924</p> </origin> <provenance> <p>between January 1925 and 3 September 1935, the letter resided in the private collection of the receiver</p> <p>between the death of the receiver on 3 September 1935 and 7 February 1937, the letter was owned by the heirs of the reveiver</p> </provenance> <acquisition> <p>acquired by the AMVC through a gift by the heirs of the whole archive</p> </acquisition> </history> The <history> element and its unique DALF child elements are declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT history %om.RR; ((origin, provenance?, acquisition?, note*) | (provenance, acquisition?, note*) | (acquisition, note*))> <!ATTLIST history %a.global;> <!ELEMENT origin %om.RR; (p+)> <!ATTLIST origin %a.global;> <!ELEMENT provenance %om.RR; (p+)> <!ATTLIST provenance %a.global;> <!ELEMENT acquisition %om.RR; (p+)> <!ATTLIST acquisition %a.global;> 4.7. Additional information: <additional>Additional information about the letter is grouped in this third optional element of <letDesc>. Like the <history> element, it is adopted with only slight modifications from the Master encoding scheme. It enables the encoder to give a rich amount of additional information concerning the present custody and availability, other representations of the letter, accompanying materials, and further bibliographical information. The <additional> element has only the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes), and can contain following elements:
None of these elements is required in particular; yet at least one of <adminInfo>, <surrogates>, <accMat> or <listBibl> must be present when <additional> is used. When some (or all) are used, they must occur in the order specified. Because <additional> requires just the presence of one of its child elements without specifying any in particular, a minimal description of additional information for the letter in the following example could lack any of the child elements, provided that at least one remains and that the order in which they appear is respected: <additional> <adminInfo> <availability> <p>Available under licence from the publishers.</p> </availability> </adminInfo> <surrogates> <p>a microfilm facsimile exists</p> </surrogates> <accMat> <p>half a page of the "De Gentenaar" journal of 16 January 1932 has been included in the envelope</p> </accMat> <listBibl> <bibl>This letter is included in <author>Marcel De Smedt & Edward Vanhoutte</author> <title>Stijn Streuvels, De Teleurgang van den Waterhoek. Elektronisch-kritische editie/electronic-critical edition.</title> <pubPlace>Amsterdam</pubPlace> <publisher>Amsterdam University Press/KANTL</publisher> <date>2000</date> <idno type="ISBN">90-5356-441-1 (CD-Rom)</idno> </bibl> </listBibl> </additional> The <additional> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT additional %om.RR; ((adminInfo, surrogates?, accMat?, listBibl?, note*) | (surrogates, accMat?, listBibl?, note*) | (accMat, listBibl?, note*) | (listBibl, note*))> <!ATTLIST additional %a.global;> 4.7.1. Administrative information: <adminInfo>This element is used to record statements about the availability of a letter, its custodial history and possible additional remarks regarding the cataloguing description the encoder would like to make. The <adminInfo> element has only the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes) and can contain the following elements:
None of these elements is required in particular; yet at least one of <availability>, <custodialHist> or <remarks> must be present. When some (or all) are used, they must occur in the order specified. The final descendants of each of these elements all have the same structure. Their respective descriptions have to be included in one or more paragraphs:
All of the child elements of <adminInfo> can have the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes). Two of them have special attributes:
Because <adminInfo> requires just the presence of one of its child elements without specifying any in particular, a minimal description of additional administrative information for the letter in the following example could lack any of the child elements, provided that at least one remains and that the order in which they appear is respected: <adminInfo> <availability status="restricted"> <p>Available for academic research purposes only.</p> </availability> <custodialHist> <custEvent type="loan"> <p>from 13 January 1955 to 3 March 1956, the letter was given on loan to the university of Amsterdam</p> </custEvent> </custodialHist> <remarks> <p>maybe this letter can turn out significant for the retracing of the missing letters by Streuvels to Excelsior between 1926 and 1928</p> </remarks> </adminInfo> The <adminInfo> element and its unique DALF child elements are declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT adminInfo %om.RR; ((availability, custodialHist?, remarks?, note*) | (custodialHist, remarks?, note*) | (remarks, note*))> <!ATTLIST adminInfo %a.global;> <!ELEMENT custodialHist %om.RR; (custEvent+, note*)> <!ATTLIST custodialHist %a.global;> <!ELEMENT custEvent %om.RR; (p+)> <!ATTLIST custEvent %a.global; type CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT remarks %om.RR; (p+)> <!ATTLIST remarks %a.global;> 4.7.2. Other representations: <surrogates>If a letter has incarnations in other representation formats, those can be described in the optional <surrogates> element. Typically, this will be digital or photographic copies of the letter. The <surrogates> element has only the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes), and contains a description of the representation in one or more paragraphs:
The following example illustrates the description of a digital facsimile of a letter: <surrogates> <p> <bibl> digital facsimile, saved as JPEG image file <title type="filename">LS081141.jpg</title> <idno>AMVC 911/5 jpg</idno> <date>September 1996</date> </bibl> </p> </surrogates> The <surrogates> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT surrogates %om.RR; (p+)> <!ATTLIST surrogates %a.global;> 4.7.3. Accompanying materials: <accMat>Sometimes, some external materials can be very closely related to a letter. They can accompany a letter in the same envelope, or can be stored together in an archive for some reason. Such accompanying materials can be described with the optional <accMat> element. The <accMat> element has one special attribute apart from the global ones (see 3.3. Global attributes):
It provides a description for each piece of accompanying material in at leas one paragraph:
The following example shows the description of a copied tax form which accompanied a letter: <accMat type="external_document"> <p>A copy of a tax form from 1947 is included in the envelope with the letter. It is not catalogued separately.</p> </accMat> The <accMat> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT accMat %om.RR; (p+)> <!ATTLIST accMat %a.global; type CDATA #IMPLIED> 4.7.4. Appearance in published materials: <listBibl>The last optional element inside <additional> is <listBibl>. This is a standard TEI element that in this context should hold information about representations of the letter available within any published works. When for example a letter has been included in an existing edition, a bibliographical record for that edition can be provided inside one or more <bibl> or <biblFull> elements inside <listBibl> (for an exhaustive listing of the possible contents and attributes of <listBibl>, see http://www.tei-c.org/P4X/ref-LISTBIBL.html). The purpose of this <listBibl> element is thus clearly distinct from that of the <surrogates> and <accMat> elements described earlier: <surrogates> (see 4.7.2. Other representations: <surrogates>) only describes other forms in which the letter is stored, and <accMat> describes materials accompanying the letter. For a letter that has been included in a previously published edition, the following example illustrates how the <listBibl> element inside <additional> is the right place for a bibliographical description of this edition. Note that for illustrative purposes, two editions are described: an electronic and an ‘analog’ one: <listBibl> <bibl>This letter is included in <author>Marcel De Smedt & Edward Vanhoutte</author> <title>Stijn Streuvels, De Teleurgang van den Waterhoek. Elektronisch-kritische editie/electronic-critical edition.</title> <pubPlace>Amsterdam</pubPlace> <publisher>Amsterdam University Press/KANTL</publisher> <date>2000</date> <idno type="ISBN">90-5356-441-1 (CD-Rom)</idno> </bibl> <bibl>This letter is included in <author></author> <title>Uitgeverij Lannoo, de vroege jaren</title> <pubPlace>Tielt</pubPlace> <publisher>Lannoo uitgeverij</publisher> <date>2001</date> </bibl> </listBibl> 4.8. Distinct letter parts: <letPart>Letters are typically rather short documents, written by one author at one place, most often in one and the same time span and forming one structural whole (possibly over a couple of pages). Yet, sometimes the encoder may wish to distinguish several distinct subunits in one letter, and describe the specific characteristics of each part separately. This can be done within several instances of the <letPart> element, which is the last optional element in <letDesc>. The <letPart> element has only the global attributes (see 3.3. Global attributes). Its inner structure shows heavy resemblance to that of the <letDesc> element as a whole, because it should allow the encoder to describe the specific particularities of the letter subdivisions in their own right. However, there are some important differences. In contrast to <letDesc>, the <letPart> element does not contain a <letIdentifier> element, as this can only be used to give a cataloguing description of the whole letter as a physical entity. Instead, it provides an <idno> element to identify the letter part within the letter itself. Another missing element in <letPart> is the <envOcc /> element, since also the statement about the occurrence of an envelope can only pertain to the letter as a whole. The following elements can occur within <letPart>:
Note that in contrast to the <letDesc> element, <letPart> does not require any particular child element; it does require, however, that at least one of <idno>, <letHeading>, <physDesc>, <letContents>, <history> or <additional> be present. After all, the fact that an encoder distinguishes a distinct part in a letter implies that it should have at least some specific characteristics. Furthermore, the elements that do occur, must do so in the order specified. The encoder should recall that specific characteristics of separate letter subdivisions may only be provided after the required <letDesc> element descriptions for the letter as a whole, and that the elements occurring inside <letPart> elements have the same structural requirements as when used directly under <letDesc>. The following example shows how different <letPart> elements can capture the particular specific characteristics of a response letter written by Stijn Streuvels letter that is written on the verso side of an original letter written to him by Joris Lannoo: <letDesc> <letIdentifier> <country>Belgium</country> <settlement>Antwerp</settlement> <repository>AMVC</repository> <collection>S 154/1235</collection> <idno>223949</idno> </letIdentifier> <letHeading> <author>Stijn Streuvels</author> <addressee>Lannoo</addressee> <placeLet>Ingooigem</placeLet> <dateLet>1943-04-24</dateLet> </letHeading> <physDesc> <type>letter</type> <support> <p>single page with pre-printed letterhead, writing on both sides</p> </support> <extent> <dimensions> <height units="mm">214</height> <width units="mm">276</width> </dimensions> </extent> </physDesc> <envOcc occ="yes" /> <letPart> <letHeading> <author>Joris Lannoo</author> <addressee>Stijn Streuvels</addressee> <placeLet>Tielt</placeLet> <dateLet>1943-04-20</dateLet> </letHeading> <physDesc> <type>letter</type> <support> <p>typed letter on recto side of the letter</p> </support> <extent> <dimensions> <height units="mm">214</height> <width units="mm">276</width> </dimensions> </extent> </physDesc> <letContents> <p>Joris Lannoo asks Streuvels what to do ...</p> </letContents> </letPart> <letPart> <letHeading> <author>Joris Lannoo</author> <addressee>Stijn Streuvels</addressee> <placeLet>Tielt</placeLet> <dateLet>1943-04-20</dateLet> </letHeading> <physDesc> <type>letter</type> <support> <p>written letter on verso side of the letter</p> </support> <extent> <dimensions> <height units="mm">214</height> <width units="mm">276</width> </dimensions> </extent> </physDesc> <letContents> <p>Streuvels advises Lannoo to ...</p> </letContents> </letPart> </letDesc> The <letPart> element is declared in the DALFExtns.dtd file as follows: <!ELEMENT letPart %om.RR; ((idno, letHeading?, physDesc?, letContents?, history?, additional?, letPart*, note*) | (letHeading, physDesc?, letContents?, history?, additional?, letPart*, note*) | (physDesc, letContents?, history?, additional?, letPart*, note*) | (letContents, history?, additional?, letPart*, note*) | (history, additional?, letPart*, note*) | (additional, letPart*, note*) | (letPart+, note*))> <!ATTLIST letPart %a.global;> |
Up: Contents Previous: 3. Overview of DALF document structure Next: 5. Letter-specific textual features