Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie |
Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies |
a research centre of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature |
<history> |
<history> | Contains a description of the history of the letter. | ||
Attributes |
Example |
<history> <origin> <p>draft of letter found, dated 17 August 1924</p> </origin> <provenance> <p>between January 1925 and 3 September 1935, the letter resided in the private collection of the receiver</p> <p>between the death of the receiver on 3 September 1935 and 7 February 1937, the letter was owned by the heirs of the reveiver</p> </provenance> <acquisition> <p>acquired by the AMVC through a gift by the heirs of the whole archive</p> </acquisition> </history> |
Content | Must contain at least one of the child elements; when more are used, they must occur in the order specified. The note(s) may only be used to provide additional information after all other elements. | ||
Parents | letDesc letPart | ||
Children | acquisition note origin provenance | ||
Declaration | <!ELEMENT history %om.RR; ((origin, provenance?, acquisition?, note*) | (provenance, acquisition?, note*) | (acquisition, note*))> <!ATTLIST history %a.global;> |
See further | 4.6. The history of the letter: <history> |
Up: Appendix A Reference documentation for DALF elements and classes