Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie - Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie

Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

a research centre of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature


<layer> Identifies each different physical layer the encoder wants to discern.
In addition to global attributes:
type Describes the type of physical layer.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any convenient typology can be used. Sensible values may be ‘post-it’, ‘sticker’, etc.
Default: #IMPLIED
      <p>The next word <layerStart layer="l2" id="ls1" />will appear
      in a distinct physical area.</p>
      <p>If so desired, a new paragraph will complicate matters, as
      well as a reference to <name>Stijn <layerEnd layer="l2" id="le1" />
      Streuvels</name>, and a couple of new <add hand="hand2">tri
      <layerStart layer="l2" id="ls1b" />cky!</add> boundary crossings
      to make the story <seg rend="90">com<layerEnd layer="l2" id="le1b" />plete.
      <join targets="ls1 le1 ls1b le1b" result="div" desc="physical layer" />

Although the type attribute is not obligatory, DALF encoders are strongly encouraged to use it on each layer definition. Furthermore, although the global id attribute is never obligatory, it must be present on each <layer> element, in order to provide a reference point for the <layerStart /> and <layerEnd /> elements that signal the boundaries of those different physical layers in the document.

Content May contain additional paragraphs.
Parents layerList
Children p
<!ELEMENT layer %om.RR;
<!ATTLIST layer	
          type CDATA #IMPLIED>
See further 6. Correlations of logical and physical structures

Up: Appendix A Reference documentation for DALF elements and classes