Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie - Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie

Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies

a research centre of the Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature


Incl Groups empty elements which may appear at any point within a DALF text.
<!ENTITY % x.Incl 'add | deco | figure | paraph | print | layerStart | layerEnd | note | seg |'>
<!ENTITY % m.Incl "%x.Incl; %n.anchor; | %m.editIncl; | %m.metadata; | %m.refsys;">

This is a standard TEI element class (see http://www.tei-c.org./P4X/ref-GLOBINCL.html), extended with the TEI elements <add>, <figure>, <note> and <seg>, and the DALF elements <deco />, <layerEnd />, <layerStart />, <paraph /> and <print>.

See further 5.4. Pre- and post-printed material: <print>; 5.5. Decorative elements: <deco /> and <paraph />; 6. Correlations of logical and physical structures; 7. Modifications to TEI element classes

Up: Appendix A Reference documentation for DALF elements and classes